Hello all and welcome.

My name is Nathan Valerius and I am based in Detroit Michigan and I am and illustrator who likes to draw and paint whatever comes into my mind. My art is heavily based off things that inspire me and my many passions and interests. Music being my biggest passion, primarily the crazy vast genre of Metal.

I have been drawing for most of my life, always doodling and watching cartoons at home. Drawing from books gifted to me and using whatever good reference I could to get the best possible drawings I could back then. Wether is be Goku from DragonBall or some sort of Pokémon, I would draw it on whatever I had in front of me. Starting to be taught in a more professional studio environment in 2009 at a little studio in Livonia called Art 101. Continuing to improve throughout high school until I was accepted into The College For Creative Studies in Detroit after graduating high school in 2018.